December 3, 2020 – Students at Helena High School and Capital High School will return to the Phase I, in-person schedule beginning Monday, December 7. Both schools have been utilizing the Phase 0, remote learning model since Monday, November 23, and will continue through tomorrow, Friday, December 4. Beginning this coming Monday, students at both Helena High School and Capital High School will resume in-person learning via their designated A or B cohorts. As before, A Cohort students will attend their classes in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays and B Cohort students will attend their classes in-person on Thursdays and Fridays. We anticipate remaining in Phase I for all schools for the remaining school days leading to the start of Winter Break on Monday, December 21. However, we are asking everyone to please remain mindful that this is a continually evolving health crisis. We continue to revisit potentially needed school phasing decisions on an ongoing and regular basis. We urge every family to prepare a contingency plan in case their school/schools need to physically close as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak, inadequate levels of available staffing, or any other unforeseen emergency situation.
Once again, please note that students at both Helena High School and Capital High School will return to the Phase I, in-person schedule beginning Monday, December 7. Thank you again for your time, understanding, and support.