Data & Assessment


The Helena Public Schools Comprehensive Assessment System is designed to ensure that all students receive a high-quality education that meets rigorous academic standards. Our mission is to provide accurate, meaningful assessments that support student learning, inform instructional practices, and guide decision-making at every level of our school district.

With questions, please contact your student’s school or Kaitlyn Hess, Helena Public Schools Data and Federal Programs Administrator, at, 406-324-2027.

2023-2024 ESSA District Report Card (Search for Helena Elementry and Helena High Schools Separately)


District Benchmarks

  • NEW! Acadience PELI (Pre-K): An early literacy assessment tool designed to measure key phonological awareness skills that are critical for early reading development in young children.
  • Acadience (Kindergarten and 1st grade): Acadience Reading for grades K-1 helps educators monitor reading proficiency for early readers in areas of phonics and phonological awareness to build the foundation for reading comprehension. By detecting when students need extra support helps teachers improve student outcomes.
  • iReady (1st grade-8th grade): This standards-based, criterion-referenced assessment assesses students based on their current level of achievement. Teachers can see clear gaps in their learning and make instructional decision based on these gaps. Additionally, in grades 1-6, students can practice standards that they are deficient in on the My Path learning system.
  • NEW! NWEA MAP (9th & 10th grade): An adaptive assessment tool that evaluates students’ academic progress in reading and math.

State Assessments

  • NEW! MAST (Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year Assessment) (Grades 3-8): The state level, standards-based assessment in reading and math for students in grades 3-8. There are three windows throughout the year that these short “testlets” will be given. The testlets align to our scope, sequence, and pacing in the curriculum taught.
  • Montana Science Assessment (Grades 5 & 8): The state level, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned assessment for science in grades 5 and 8.
  • ACT (11th grade): The ACT is state level assessment for all juniors. It contains four multiple-choice tests—English, mathematics, reading, and science—and an optional writing test. These tests are designed to measure skills that are most important for success in postsecondary education and that are acquired in secondary education.
  • WIDA (K-12 EL students): A comprehensive assessment to evaluate English language proficiency to ensure that English Learners receive the appropriate support to succeed academically.