Developmental Screening Clinics for Preschoolers

Have questions about your child’s development? Helena Public Schools holds regularly scheduled clinics to identify preschool students ages 3-5 who may have special needs or developmental delays.

Appointments are required. Please call (406) 324-1200 to make an appointment.

Child Find 2024-25 Screening Dates

Appointment required. Call (406) 324-1200.

October 14
November 11
December 9
January 13
February 10
March 10

A Checklist for Your Child

Please note: All children develop at their own pace, so it is difficult to determine if a child has a delay based on the following questions alone. Early childhood specialists can help provide information through developmental screening and consultation with parents.

Printable PDF: Child Find Brochure

If Your Child is 12 Months, Do They:

  • Wave bye-bye?
  • Pick up small objects with thumb and one finger?
  • Use three words on a regular basis?
  • Look at what you point to?
  • Walk holding onto furniture or with their hand held?
  • Cooperate in dressing?
  • Play games such as “Peek-A-Boo” or “Pat-A-Cake”?

If Your Child is 18 Months, Do They:

  • Follow simple directions?
  • Insist on doing things by themselves?
  • Point and name things in pictures or books?
  • Hold on to and drink from regular cups?
  • Use 10 to 30 words on a regular basis?
  • Play simple pretend. For example, feeding a baby?
  • Point to show someone what they want?

If Your Child is Two Years, Do They?

  • Play with toys as they are intended?
  • Say several two-t0 three-word sentences?
  • Take an interest in other children?
  • Follow simple one-to two-step directions?
  • Ask and answer simple questions?
  • Carry a large ball or toy while walking?
  • Point to an object or picture when named?
  • Imitate actions and words of others?

If Your Child is Three Years, Do They:

  • Catch a bounced ball?
  • Pedal a tricycle?
  • Draw a circle and a person with three parts?
  • Dress themselves with supervisions?
  • Say three- to four-word sentences consistently?