If attending this meeting, please park on the north side of Capital High School and use Entrance #12. Precautionary Notice: Masks/Facial Coverings are required at all times during this meeting and while on campus. All participants and attendees will be asked to sit and remain safely distanced at all times.
The Helena School District will follow Phase Two of the Governor’s Reopening Plan, “avoid GATHERING in groups of more than 50 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing. It is recommended to continue to physical distance in gatherings of any size.” (Page 15 of “Montana: Reopening the Big Sky”)
This meeting also will be available using Zoom with this link: https://zoom.us/j/94067713380?pwd=WnVjRktIZmZWbk1MK0dGMkFjRThQdz09
If you prefer to call-in, please use the information below. Please note that by calling into this meeting, some of your options will be limited.
Phone Number: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 940 6771 3380
Personal ID: NA
Password: 663405