As a team, we collectively believe it is our mission to help our students communicate and express themselves to the best of their ability.
“It seems almost impossible to overstate the power of words; they literally have changed and will continue to change the course of world history. Perhaps the greatest tool we can give students for succeeding, not only in their education but more generally in life, is a large, rich vocabulary and the skills for using those words. Our ability to function in today’s complex social and economic worlds is mightily affected by our language skills and word knowledge”
Speech refers to the sounds we make to form words. Speech includes articulation, fluency, and voice. It is common for children to have troubles saying sounds when they first learn to talk. However, most children speak clearly by the time they start kindergarten.
Language refers to understanding what other people say as well as the way we put words together to communicate ideas. Language includes listening, talking, reading and writing. Children who listen and talk well tend to read and write well.
Children may have speech or language disorders. Children with speech disorders may have difficulties saying sounds and word clearly so others can understand, speaking fluently or using a voice that is not too loud or too soft. Children with language disorders may have problems with understanding or using new words, following directions, using correct grammar, sentence formation, as well as understanding and talking with others.
Children with speech and language disorders who are not treated early may have trouble in school. They may have a hard time learning to read and write as well as following classroom directions and learning content information. If unable to communicate the child may act out. The child may also experience difficulties getting along with others. Luckily, there is a lot parents can do to help their children develop speech and language skills from the very beginning. Talk to your child, read books together, tell stories, play together, sing songs and point out and name things. Additionally, professional help from Speech-Language Pathologists is available if concerns arise.
Graduations starts with the language of looking, listening, engaging, playing,and talking.
The following links provide additional speech and language information:
Home Speech Therapy: