Substitute Information

Classroom Substitutes

At the Helena Public School District, every person on our team contributes to the success of children every day. If you are interested in assisting in a classroom as a substitute paraeducator or leading a classroom as a substitute teacher, this is the year to apply. Starting rate is $14.01/hour as a para-educator and $130/day for non-certified substitute teacher and $140/day for certified teachers.


  • Substitute Teacher: Bachelor’s degree and specific endorsement preferred. At least one year of college education is required.
  • Substitute Para Educator: High school diploma or equivalent; 1 to 3 months experience or training; or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience as determined by the district.

Our system is automated to notify you of substitute opportunities, and you can choose whether to work a full day every day—or intermittently throughout the week – even part time. Our buildings are open from 7:30am-6pm and our need is variable, so we have a number of flexible opportunities.

Substitute Handbook

2023-2024 Substitute Handbook

Absence & Substitute

Safety and Security

Active Shooter Video

Custodian Substitutes

These positions have flexible work days and work hours. Duties include but are not limited to: cleaning and preserving designated areas in the school buildings and assisting with seasonal grounds work. Modern equipment, efficient processes and great team training add to the flexibility and fun of the positions. If this is appeals to you apply here. Current entry level salary is $14.15 per hour.


  • To become part of this exciting team dedicated to the facilities of the Helena Public Schools, you must have a high school diploma; 1 to 3 months experience or training; or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience as determined by the district.